Nowadays ,there is a growing tendency among people specially among young population to look slimmer in order to fit their outlook to the modern trends of fashion.No matter how healthy the inner health is, but he/she must look slim and trim.Ya this is the modern trends.But this is not the reality.Most adults maintain a constant body weight , due to a complex system of neural,hormonal and chemical mechanisms that keeps the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure within fairly precise limit.Abnormalities of these mechanism,many of which are not completely understood,result in exaggerated weight fluctuation of these the most common are overweight and obesity.
In an attempt to loose fat,many people are sacrificing their inner health to such an extent that their out put has been decreased and making themselves susceptible to various kinds of disease.
So, myself being a nutritionist feeling responsible to focus on some practical tips on weight loss.Hope it will benefit you in your practical life.
* Analyze yourself . Are you really overweight(see BMI) Your BMI indicates the approximate amount of body fat you have.After knowing your BMI you can judge yourself,weather you are underweight,ideal,overweight or obese.Then you can set your own goal ,regarding how much you have to loose or gain.
* You set long term goal but work on short term goal first.For example if you have to loose 15 kg to reach your ideal weight,first plan for 5 kg at least.After reaching that goal again you can proceed for next 5 kg.
* Now how to achieve your goal ? Remember you need lot of determination to do so.Be consistent on your plan of action.
* You have to create a negative calorie balance in your body.(see also what is negative calorie balance),then only you can loose.
* Analyze your day to day diet by maintaining a diet diary.(See diet diary for details).You have to maintain a diet diary very regularly
* Be conscious about your everyday meal.Because one sweet can add up to 500 calories specially when your body is in a negative state.
* Take frequent and small meal.Breakfast should be the best eaten meal followed by your lunch and dinner.Breakfast (breaking the fast) is the meal through which steady supply of energy is maintained through out the day.Be careful to have balanced breakfast.Plan cautiously.
* Always have food in a relaxed manner and should eat slowly and steadily.Because if you are eating fast then there is every possibility to over eat.Our brain require minimum 15 minutes to recognize that you are satiated.
* You should not fast if you are trying to loose weight.Fasting can reduce your BMR to a greater extent.(See also BMR)As a result you will have a greater tendency to put on more weight.
* Include lots of fibre to your diet.You can do so by using large servings of vegetables,fruits,wheat bran,whole cereals instead of refine cereals.
*Prefer to have tonned milk and milk products instead of whole milk.
* Keep an eye on your total salt intake (Both visible and invisible)
* Your oil intake should be minimized.Always have oil containing MUFA( mustard oil,Olive oil etc.) and PUFA (eg.sunflower,safflower,soyabean oil etc. )
* You should rehydrate your body adequately.
* You should be careful about the way of cooking food.Avoid frying instead of that grill,steam or boil food to minimise fat content.
* Remember weight loss is a combined approach of diet ,exercise and behaviour modification.Exercise is not only required for obese people but it must be a daily habit for healthy living.The exercising schedule should begin with light exercise like walking for about 20 minutes to a moderate level of brisk walking and jogging.Exercise should done daily .It should not be replace by a reducing diet.
Finally i would like to say that loosing weight is easy .Millions of people do it everyday.What's tough is keeping it off.
There is only one proven way to loose weight and keep it off; make basic simple changes in what you eat,how much you eat,and how much you exercise.These changes should become part of your everyday life.
You can write me your queries directly. I will be waiting for your valuable comment.
At Present i am writing at http://www.health-nutritioninfo.blogspot.com